Recent content by woodpeckercity

  1. woodpeckercity

    how exactly does particle motion work?

    I want to make a visual effect for a flamethrower type weapon, and want the fire particles to start at the player, and then move in the direction they are facing. How would i make a system like that?
  2. woodpeckercity

    Targeting with a Snowball

    what about mobs? i ran into the same issue on my plot, but when i used "projectile damage entity" it wouldnt run the code.
  3. woodpeckercity

    how to make an entity take damage from a raycast

    I am making a game where you fight large amounts of enemies with my freinds, and im trying to make a magic missle attack where i look at a target and then they take damage. How do i make this work (i have tried a few things)
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