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Worst thing ever said on DiamondFire?


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2023
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Tough question. The worst thing i can think of would be someone who managed to not only threaten a player, but detail it so graphically and horrifically that it was like reading a book... which im not sure this has been done but it wouldn't surprise me


Active member
Feb 22, 2023
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TL;DR: annoying really toxic kid

def not the worst but once upon a time there was this one kid I forgot their name, and we were just playing a simple slightly competitive speed builder game (like the one from party but it had it's own plot) and every time they got through a round they would go "ez" "free" or stuff which wasn't as bad just kinda annoying, and then, I also forgot how, there was some sort of 1-sided argument with them saying "suck, kys," and other really toxic things. When I told them being toxic was against the rules (they were, trust me) they did not give a crap


Forum adept
Sep 11, 2020
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An Ode to Vulcano: A Tragic Tale of Disrespect and Hubris

In the annals of human folly and pride, there exists a man whose name strikes fear and disdain into the hearts of all who dare to cross his path. Vulcano, a man of turbulent temper and unabashed insolence, stands as a testament to the perils of unchecked hubris and the corrosive nature of disrespect.

Upon the stage of mortal affairs, Vulcano strode with an air of arrogance that rivaled the gods themselves. His tongue, sharp as a dagger forged in ire, spared none from its cutting edge. Peers and superiors alike quaked beneath the weight of his scorn, for none were safe from his blistering tirades.

In the hallowed halls where wisdom dwells, Vulcano cast his shadow darkly. Scholars and sages, whose minds were attuned to the celestial harmonies of reason and discourse, found themselves repelled by the discordant notes of Vulcano’s rhetoric. He mocked their learning, scoffed at their erudition, and defied their attempts to reason with him.

To his peers, Vulcano was a tempest incarnate. In councils and assemblies where unity and harmony should reign, he sowed seeds of discord with reckless abandon. His words, like fiery darts, inflamed tempers and shattered alliances. Even the most patient among them could not endure his relentless onslaught of disrespect.

And yet, it was to his superiors that Vulcano reserved his most audacious affronts. Kings and rulers, whose thrones were built upon the fragile foundations of power and authority, found themselves the targets of his contemptuous disregard. He questioned their wisdom, belittled their decisions, and dared to challenge their sovereignty with brazen insolence.

But as with all tragedies, the fall of Vulcano was not one of external retribution, but rather of his own making. For in his arrogance, he failed to see the gathering storm of consequence that loomed on the horizon. His peers, weary of his toxicity, conspired against him in whispered tones. His superiors, provoked beyond endurance, plotted his downfall in the shadows of their courts.

And so it came to pass that Vulcano, the titan of disrespect, was brought low by the very forces he had so callously provoked. Stripped of his pride and shorn of his influence, he stood alone amidst the ruins of his own making. The echoes of his hubris reverberated through the corridors of history, a cautionary tale for all who would dare to follow in his ignominious footsteps.

Let us then, dear reader, heed the lessons of Vulcano’s tragic tale. Let us temper our words with humility and our actions with respect. For in the end, it is not the might of our tongues nor the sharpness of our wit that shall endure, but the measure of our character and the grace of our comportment in the face of adversity.


Forum adept
Sep 20, 2021
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Didn't someone distribute Jeremaster NSFW written books on the server once?


Active member
Jan 26, 2021
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i bullied a kid for using proper grammar and punctuation for about a year. i forgot why i felt the need to do that, but it felt therapeutic at the time, so who cares.


Active member
Feb 22, 2023
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Didn't someone distribute Jeremaster NSFW written books on the server once?
Yes they were terrible i found it on a freebuild please never read them they are so much worse than you think


New member
Feb 2, 2024
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I was an extremely toxic player that would say numerous terrible things over losing in the plot... sputt time. Even after being unbanned I was toxic and spewed on the discord, leading to another perm ban, I shouldn't play on the server, and I dont belong on it. But I just want to say sorry to everyone i have hurt, offended, or annoyed.
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