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  1. FreddieStarWars

    Event Game Jam information thread

    Could you register in multiple teams?
  2. FreddieStarWars

    king thread

  3. FreddieStarWars

    I made the logo in Blender

    Also I love this community. They give feedback and they're supportive.
  4. FreddieStarWars

    I made the logo in Blender

    Thank you! :smile:
  5. FreddieStarWars

    I made the logo in Blender

    With the bloom now
  6. FreddieStarWars

    I made the logo in Blender

    Something like this? (I forgot to add bloom
  7. FreddieStarWars

    What I do when I join DiamondFire

    This is exactly me
  8. FreddieStarWars

    I made the logo in Blender

    Do you mean more lights or brighter light?
  9. FreddieStarWars

    I made the logo in Blender

  10. FreddieStarWars

    Receive your forum rank here!

    Why am I not verified D:
  11. FreddieStarWars


  12. FreddieStarWars

    How do I make the SetBlock randomly choose a block to place?

    You could use a set var > random value > blocks in the chest then place the variable you put in in the set block.
  13. FreddieStarWars

    sup ma dudes

    They do indeed. Also other people drink tea
  14. FreddieStarWars

    Pitches for sound

    Oh btw I asked the owner of note by note all good
  15. FreddieStarWars

    Pitches for sound

    I'm trying to make something like note by note but I can't figure out the pitches
  16. FreddieStarWars

    Client Side Invisibility

    It only works if you have mythic and above
  17. FreddieStarWars

    Client Side Invisibility

    Use set entity hidden in player action, world then put in the player's uuid
  18. FreddieStarWars

    What is SomethingWrong's forum name?

    I need to know what SomethingWrong's forum name is to get Adrianinoninja banned from melon king
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