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  1. StoryTellr

    What are some beginner mistakes you see or things you wish you knew?

    What are some common beginner mistakes you see or have done when it comes to coding? Additionally, what is some advice or knowledge you wished to have known when you started? I'm working on a video on things beginners should do/avoid and need some ideas and also need to make sure some mistakes...
  2. StoryTellr

    Looking for work / looking to dev for people

    Ah, I see. Thank you.
  3. StoryTellr

    Insert pre-existing code into new if blocks

    Is there a way to insert pre-existing code into new if blocks?
  4. StoryTellr

    Kill messages

    I'm having trouble with the kill messages in my game. The values are always wrong and it doesnt show at all if the player is killed using a raycast gun. What are some ways I could code kill messages with no issues. Once I have the time I will post my current setup.
  5. StoryTellr

    Looking for work / looking to dev for people

    Whats that gotta do with me helping others?
  6. StoryTellr

    Looking for work / looking to dev for people

    I am looking for work in both building and coding (on DF of course). Reply to this post or DM me to hire me. I go by the minecraft username Real_Rage_Gaming Games I have created: -Random Kitpvp -Hλlf-Life 2 Deathmatch II For three of these games I have been the sole...
  7. StoryTellr

    You can put %var in CALL FUNCTION blocks

    Can this work with Function names instead of Call Function?
  8. StoryTellr

    You are an absolute LIFESAVER, dude! If it weren't for you I would have no idea what I was...

    You are an absolute LIFESAVER, dude! If it weren't for you I would have no idea what I was doing. Your the single most helpful person in all of DiamondFire.
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