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  1. Vulcano


    I would like to clarify this to everyone, Jigsaw was never a clone. For me, my main goal was to provide means of learning low level development to everyone. Minecraft is a great way to teach youth the principles of computer science, and DismondFire was surely an inspiration, for me, I did not...
  2. Vulcano

    Programming Swift 6

    I’m currently learning Swift 6, which now has full interop with Java. Is anyone interested in experimenting with Swift, Minecraft, and server performance with me? It’s very difficult as Swift 6 is vastly different and brand new, so little documentation, but if anyone is interested in exploring...
  3. Vulcano

    Vulcano Out

    I am considered to be many things within this community. I have made many decisions that have had significant impact on this community, mostly for the worse. I am responsible for my actions, and I take full accountability. I have attempted to receive one final chance, to no response, I have...
  4. Vulcano

    I farted

    Excuse me. I deeply apologize for the foul odor excreted from my behind and would like to notify those in the community before you suffer the consequences of the gas that has left me bloated and helpless. For those of you affected by this tragedy I give my deepest condolences.
  5. Vulcano

    Music Game

    Every comment has a link to an appropriate song. You review the song that the last person sent and send another song that you like. You may comment more than once but not twice in a row. Songs must follow DF rules (so most metal is unfortunately a no). To be honest I am doing this to discover...
  6. Vulcano

    Programming What are your favorite features of different languages?

    I wanna learn a new programming language but I don't know what I want something with cool syntax and features. Any suggestions/ideas?
  7. Vulcano

    My Apology

    You can watch my video apologizing here.
  8. Vulcano

    How do I get an unfair punishment on DFS Handled?

    Ive reached out to @Mr. Dumpling and @Electrosolt , neither will help. When I asked Kaban he said that was the domain of moderation and to contact one of the two aforementioned users, but neither will do their job and help. (For clarity Kaban is fine he did nothing wrong) How do I get my...
  9. Vulcano

    i messed up

    im sorry, theres nothing more to it idk. im not good with words, and there isnt much else to say, i dont want a problem with most of you, i dont mean harm. thats all there is to it, im trying to clean up my act, and im sorry.
  10. Vulcano

    how do tuch grass

    i started playing dimondfir agen and forgor how to tuch grass
  11. Vulcano

    [Forum Game] 2 Truths and a Lie

    The rules are simple, you send 3 things about you, the catch being only two are true, one is a lie. Each message you start with which statement the previous comment said that you think was a lie. Then you share your three statements about yourself. The format goes as follows: I think statement...
  12. Vulcano

    Make DFS bans notify player in question

    literally the title it should be pretty obvious to any sigma male that a punishment should have a reason
  13. Vulcano

    Leaving Diamondfire

    There is no time in the sigma male schedule for video games. I am not making money here. If I play Diamondfire I am not on that sigma male grindset. I would say goodbye but I will not miss any of you feeble minded betas.
  14. Vulcano

    Hosting my Own Game Jams

    Hey everyone, I will start hosting my own, unofficial game jams! To partake joining my discord server will be required just for organization and ease of communication.
  15. Vulcano

    How to get Mad Hoes

    Basically for stone, iron, gold hoes you craft it just like wood hoes, but instead of planks use cobblestone, iron ingots, or gold!!!!!
  16. Vulcano

    How to Get Hoes

  17. Vulcano

    Thank You

    I want to thank Jere for making this server. When I was younger I always had an interest in coding, but I didn't know where to start. I was young and Java seemed hard, but I wanted to make minigames like Hypixel. I was watching YouTube and found a cool server called MCDiamondFire. That...
  18. Vulcano

    How to Change Modes

    When you are on your plot, sometimes you wanna change between build, play, and dev mode. You can do this using the /build /play and /dev commands. I will provide a chart on which command sets you to what mode: Command Mode /build build /play play /dev dev
  19. Vulcano

    How to Leave Diamondfire

    For those of you who are stuck in the Diamondfire Minecraft Server, fear not! I have the answer you are looking for! First you want to hit the escape key on your keyboard. This will bring up a menu that has a "Disconnect" button on the very bottom (or the word in your selected language with the...
  20. Vulcano

    Apology to Mods

    I had one large issue with the mod team, and I expressed this in Ace's thread. Since it was locked I got the discussion cleared up in dms, and I found that I was misunderstanding the situation. Sorry to the mods I judged for the misunderstanding, this thread will be locked immediately by myself...
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