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  1. TheZipCreator

    Embyr - A text representation for DiamondFire code blocks, and a compiler for it.

    Hello! I've created Embyr, which is effectively a text representation of DiamondFire code blocks. I've also built a compiler for it, which is available here. If you want to contribute, please tell me! The compiler is written in D, which is a rather uncommon language (unfortunately), but it...
  2. TheZipCreator


    Expressions An expression would basically be a mathematical statement that is evaluated at runtime. Currently, we have all the "text codes" which basically do this, but they're a bit inconvenient and unwieldy. Instead, I propose a new variable type called expressions, which make this much more...
  3. TheZipCreator

    DiamondFire Function Rework

    (oh hey I haven't posted in this forum in a while. All of the other things I've said in this forum are probably extremely cringy, because I was like 12.) (anyways, here's a suggestion for how to rework DiamondFire functions. This was originally a webpage, but I ran it through a html -> bbcode...
  4. TheZipCreator

    why is DF coding just worse now

    Ok so this post is a bit of a rant but it's midnight rn and I just want to get some anger out. So, I decided to go back to Diamondfire because I was bored and I haven't played for a while. That was a mistake. I decided to try to code a new plot because I had nothing else to do, and I get to the...
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