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  1. Geodefence

    does anyone have the far reaches/the northern reaches item id code

    I asked qxeii and he mentioned he released it a long time ago, and he won't give me it :( i'm wondering if anyone still has it
  2. Geodefence

    how do you change an armors' stats?

    I want to be able to edit the amount of protection armor gives a player, but I do not know how to do that, how do I?
  3. Geodefence

    every(*) ranked code block perk and its ability to be made without a rank

    Now with Mythic code! Key: 1/10 to 10/10 - 1/10 being buggy to the point where you should just buy the rank, 10/10 means no seeable difference while playing and in code, besides maybe a few extra code blocks. * - notes about the code Notes before you begin: This guide is UNFINISHED, currently...
  4. Geodefence

    Var manipulation: editing vars by using names of other vars

    This is a simple, yet extremely helpful mechanic that allows for all sorts of things, storing list names in a list, removing money from a player who died, ect. I will not be going into detail in this guide, just how to use this and some examples. Example 1. Death money penalty: A simple thing...
  5. Geodefence

    Fast wait?

    Is there a way to make a faster wait time that makes it wait fractions of a tick?
  6. Geodefence

    How do I place a head with the actual texture instead of a generic player head

    I want to use the set block game action, but every time it only places a normal player head
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