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New member
Nov 30, 2023
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I had a probably bad idea but here it is:
The way it could work is the owner of a plot would get an additional command (probably something like /plot co-own) that would give him the ability to give someone a "co-owner" role (like dev or build), see the players who are co owners or remove a co-owner.
What the co-owner could do is basically all the owner's command, except for /plot co-owner or /plot clear.

-The difference with Co-ownering and both dev and build

I know people will say it's the same so I am adding this section to clarify, co ownering would enable the co-owner to advertise the plot, change the name and icon of the plot, which a person with build and dev can't do.

-How i think this could be useful

In the past i have seen people getting "given" bigger plots (for example a massive plot to a non-ranked) but with the way that giving plots works the best, it just feels restricted for the person who received the plot compared to what the giver of the plot can do, since the gifted person can't do ads, change the plot's name or icon, so giving a co-owner role would make more of "giving" a plot.

-Some problems that might come

Here i'm just gonna put some problems that could come and the solution i thought of:

Code blocks: how the accessible code blocks could work would be like with giving dev, so the accessible blocks would be the owner's blocks.
Ads: when a co-owner sends an ad it would mark "made by : (co-owner's name)" instead of "made by: (owner)".
On the game item in the game menu: it would say in a first line "by (owner)" and it with say in a second line "and by (co-owners).
Number of co-owner: probably like a max of 2.

that was it, thanks for reading.
if you got any questions ask them in the replies.


Forum adept
Oct 20, 2020
Reaction score
It was suggested numerous times before and denied. The reason for the denial is, you can give other people full overlord access for pretty much free if you have overlord since you can buy large plots using tokens instead of real money.


New member
Nov 30, 2023
Reaction score
It was suggested numerous times before and denied. The reason for the denial is, you can give other people full overlord access for pretty much free if you have overlord since you can buy large plots using tokens instead of real money.
ok but with this person who gets the plot won't be able to change the name icon or just put an ad without the owner being there.


Forum adept
Oct 20, 2020
Reaction score
co ownering would enable the co-owner to advertise the plot, change the name and icon of the plot,
you said they can

The staff want to restrict these type of stuff as it discourages buying ranks (as far as i know)
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