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One final goodbye

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Active member
Sep 9, 2020
Reaction score
Hey Everyone,

Just a little post from me explaining what's happened and why I am quitting DiamondFire and a look back over my time on DF and things I have done.

Back in August 2020 I got my hands on a new Minecraft account after loosing my old one to getting hacked, one of the first things I did was re-joined DiamondFire because I hadn't been on the server in ~1 year and I loved the server, I started getting back into the server playing with real life friends and meeting new ones along the way, when I re-joined the server I met TheMinesYT and we started working on some cool projects together, later on In that year on Black Friday, Mines kindly bought me Mythic! And later that day Electric131 bought me Overlord.

In late December 2020 I started working on my first major project Creative Dev Plots, this is still ongoing and is an attempt at a 1:1 creation of DiamondFire, you can check it out at /join 50020 this took up all my time as we were currently in another lockdown to due to the pandemic we were making significant progress as a team trying to get the project done, however things were about to change in February 2021 one of the chunks on the plot corrupted causing a chain reaction down every code line corrupting every chest and sign, despite Owen1212055's best efforts to recover the lost data, it was unsuccessful.


After this incident I took a 2 week break from DiamondFire, and came back in mid February 2021 to completely recode the plot bigger and better, I started this project however solo programming it and this is still ongoing today.

After this incident I also joined the CodeUtilities contributors team and eventually ended up as a Maintainer, the project is now discontinued however I'm sure @homchom will do wonders with his fork (recode)!

Among the way I have made/developed numerous plots that people have enjoyed some of them are; Block Hunt, Block Party, DFSplatoon, Numerous official and unofficial DiamondFire events, Bases, Jeremaster Fight, Pixel Painters and Puzzle Maker 2.

Most of my projects on DiamondFire have been big and ambitious and not many have been finished.



In October 2021 I decided that I would start my next big adventure, I applied with my Creative Dev Plots project and in November I was accepted, I was over the moon to finally be part of DiamondFire staff team, In December 2021 I was awarded support top for doing the most sessions in that month. In my time as Support I helped over 100 unique players with a total of 177 separate support sessions totalling over 1d 5h in time.

I continued to work hard in my projects over the next year trying to get some finished and I also adventured into working on my own Minecraft Server.

However, I most motivation for everything DF related in June.

My most recent adventure in August 2022 I applied for the JrMod position and got accepted in October, this was big for me, I loved moderation and it finally gave me motivation to be on DF again. I was an extremely active JrMod making sure the rules were enforced, however some players decided they have other ideas in mind, a day after my promotion all the harassment started, all the stress of this harassment undoubtably made me make the mistake I did, and that mistake is why I got demoted from the JrMod role. I believe that there is some level of bias in the staff team, even from the staff managers but I am not going in depth with it here.

For the past 2 years I have suffered lots of emotional and mental stress with deaths during Covid, breakups, rejection and much more. I normally took this out by working on programming projects, my love for music or working on DiamondFire projects and I formally apologise to anyone who was caught in the crossfire.

Thank you to everyone who helped me along my DiamondFire journey and especially;
@Jeremaster Thanks for making the server we know and love ❤️
@Owen1212055 ❤️ ❤️
@Reason @N_Enders Thankies for being a good friend to chat to!
@Witherpizza Thanks for being my JrHelper mentor and being a good friend.
@sunnynoah @PowerDragonHero Was great moral support who made me laugh along the way.
@Refrizor Thanks for being a good friend to chat to.

And to anyone who’s helped me on my plots along the way, I love you, you have made my past 2 years so enjoyable. ❤️

I want to make it clear, I loved this server but the toxic community is just way too much to handle, I will pop in once in a while to say hello but for the most part this is my goodbye!

Just one final message from me,
Stay positive and be nice to others! Your words can easily make or break someone's day!

- TechStreet
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Retired Administrator
Retired Admin
Aug 16, 2020
Reaction score
Hey friend, I wanted to say that I appreciate everything you've done here, and I'm wishing you a huge good luck with your future endeavors.

My DMs are always opened if you need to talk about anything. As some advice, look into some friendly Discord communities with a hard-core ban on toxicity, it'll be so soothing for the mind to adapt to more positive environments and it helped me immensely with my mental health. It's almost like a type of grounding that can be used!

Best of luck man 🖤

Raffius Taffius

Well-known member
Mar 17, 2022
Reaction score
Hey Everyone,

Just a little post from me explaining what's happened and why I am quitting DiamondFire and a look back over my time on DF and things I have done.

Back in August 2020 I got my hands on a new Minecraft account after loosing my old one to getting hacked, one of the first things I did was re-joined DiamondFire because I hadn't been on the server in ~1 year and I loved the server, I started getting back into the server playing with real life friends and meeting new ones along the way, when I re-joined the server I met TheMinesYT and we started working on some cool projects together, later on In that year on Black Friday, Mines kindly bought me Mythic! And later that day Electric131 bought me Overlord.

In late December 2020 I started working on my first major project Creative Dev Plots, this is still ongoing and is an attempt at a 1:1 creation of DiamondFire, you can check it out at /join 50020 this took up all my time as we were currently in another lockdown to due to the pandemic we were making significant progress as a team trying to get the project done, however things were about to change in February 2021 one of the chunks on the plot corrupted causing a chain reaction down every code line corrupting every chest and sign, despite Owen1212055's best efforts to recover the lost data, it was unsuccessful.

After this incident I took a 2 week break from DiamondFire, and came back in mid February 2021 to completely recode the plot bigger and better, I started this project however solo programming it and this is still ongoing today.

After this incident I also joined the CodeUtilities contributors team and eventually ended up as a Maintainer, the project is now discontinued however I'm sure @homchom will do wonders with his fork (recode)!

Among the way I have made/developed numerous plots that people have enjoyed some of them are; Block Hunt, Block Party, DFSplatoon, Numerous official and unofficial DiamondFire events, Bases, Jeremaster Fight, Pixel Painters and Puzzle Maker 2.

Most of my projects on DiamondFire have been big and ambitious and not many have been finished.



In October 2021 I decided that I would start my next big adventure, I applied with my Creative Dev Plots project and in November I was accepted, I was over the moon to finally be part of DiamondFire staff team, In December 2021 I was awarded support top for doing the most sessions in that month. In my time as Support I helped over 100 unique players with a total of 177 separate support sessions totalling over 1d 5h in time.

I continued to work hard in my projects over the next year trying to get some finished and I also adventured into working on my own Minecraft Server.

However, I most motivation for everything DF related in June.

My most recent adventure in August 2022 I applied for the JrMod position and got accepted October, this was big for me, I loved moderation and it finally gave me motivation to be on DF again. I was an extremely active JrMod making sure the rules were enforced, however some players decided they have other ideas in mind, a day after my promotion all the harassment started, all the stress of this harassment undoubtably made me make the mistake I did, and that mistake is why I got demoted from the JrMod role.

I do agree that there is some level of bias in the staff team, even from the staff managers but I am not going in depth with it here.

For the past 2 years I have suffered lots of emotional and mental stress with deaths during Covid, breakups, rejection and much more. I normally took this out by working on programming projects, my love for music or working on DiamondFire projects and I formally apologise to anyone who was caught in the crossfire.

Thank you to everyone who helped me along my DiamondFire journey and especially;
@Jeremaster Thanks for making the server we know and love ❤️
@Owen1212055 ❤️ ❤️
@Reason @N_Enders Thankies for being a good friend to chat to!
@Witherpizza Thanks for being my JrHelper mentor and being a good friend.
@sunnynoah @PowerDragonHero Was great moral support who made me laugh along the way.
@Refrizor Thanks for being a good friend to chat to.

And to anyone who’s helped me on my plots along the way, I love you, you have made my past 2 years so enjoyable. ❤️

I want to make it clear, I loved this server but the toxic community is just way too much to handle, I will pop in once in a while to say hello but for the most part this is my goodbye!

Just one final message from me,
Stay positive and be nice to others! Your words can easily make or break someone's day!

- TechStreet
I knew that it would eventually come to this the second Tech got jrmod


Active member
Jan 13, 2021
Reaction score
i thought you died but hello
(this was a response to refriz)


Support staff
Feb 8, 2021
Reaction score
Sad to see you go, it was an amazing experience with you and I had a lot of fun during it :P

...but all things will always come to an end.
I wish you the best of luck


Forum adept
Sep 10, 2020
Reaction score
Well, even tho we had our differences (and strong ones at that) i will still say goodbye, as i learned from the mistakes i made in the past
Goodbye, i also wish you to the best of luck!


Staff Manager
Sep 8, 2020
Reaction score
All good things must come to an end, though this one came a bit too soon
Best of luck with your projects in future, hope to see you around!

As a good chap said once before,


Server Developer
Jun 3, 2021
Reaction score
Sad to see you go, I had fun developing with you with what I did.
I don't know what will happen with DFScript then.
I'll just stay a an unnamed footnote.
Stay calm, Tech.


New member
Jul 9, 2022
Reaction score
I’m so sad to see you go! I am so sorry for what you have been through and I wish you the best for the following years. I was completely unaware about the Creative Dev Plots incident. It’s an amazing plot that I love to mess around with. Block Party and Block Hunt are both really fun plots to play and I enjoy playing them with my friends every one in a while. Wishing you the best! 🥰
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