Recent content by BouncyBonBon

  1. BouncyBonBon

    %default variable affecting everyone.

    I can't use playerKillPlayer anyway, because using the damage code block doesn't know who activated the codeline, I have it so 'on projectileDmgPlayer ifPlayer{ standingOn coarse dirt } Else {playerEvent damagePlayer 2}'. So the snowball actually doesn't do any damage, the code does. So in this...
  2. BouncyBonBon

    %default variable affecting everyone.

    That wouldn't work, as the variable needs to affect the victim when they die and the killer when they kill someone.
  3. BouncyBonBon

    %default variable affecting everyone.

    I tried that, but because using the damage code block doesn't tie it to whoever activated the code sequence it classifies it as universal damage (like fall dmg)
  4. BouncyBonBon

    How to change a %default variable

    I'm making a game using a killstreak variable where 'on playerKillPlayer setVar %default killsteak +1' However I also have 'on playerRespawn setVar %default killstreak 0' in order to reset the person who died's killstreak back to 0. For some reason, this resetting affects all players'...
  5. BouncyBonBon

    anyone know how to make items glow?

    as in giving them the glowing effect?
  6. BouncyBonBon

    %default variable affecting everyone.

    I'm working on a game that has a killstreak system in it, I have it so on playerRespawn event, setVar '%default killstreak' to '0' but this affects all players but I only want it to affect the player who died, please help!
  7. BouncyBonBon


    Make the 'remix' part of the code imbedded in it, so even if you use the template its counted as a remix
  8. BouncyBonBon


    I have a suggestion for a new way to make games: Remixing! Scratch have a very similar idea to this but it's not directly the same: essentially, you can 'remix' a game in the menu by like right clicking it and selecting remix, then you get sent to your plot which is an exact copy of the game you...
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