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  1. bumpy

    Lets attempt to predict the next DF plot trend!

    necroposting 😔
  2. bumpy

    %cpu and %tps for text and things like that.

    not needed at all... adding a set var before the action bar isn't difficult nor space consuming. why specifically TPS and CPU? why not something like %gv?
  3. bumpy

    Custom Bossbar Textures

    not misleading at all
  4. bumpy

    Custom Bossbar Textures

    some servers load resource packs without you even knowing it
  5. bumpy

    Custom Bossbar Textures

    pretty sure that's a resource pack
  6. bumpy

    one year

    one year
  7. bumpy


  8. bumpy


  9. bumpy

    Is there a way to player offset?

    Can be found under Set Variable > Location Manipulation You can shift from the Player's Eye Location If you've never used variables or are confused by them, here is a good tutorial.
  10. bumpy

    Variable Block: Global Variables

    this has been suggested a massive amount of times. the devs don't want it (along with a large proportion of the community)
  11. bumpy

    Merge gamemode blocks into one

    The SetSpectator action requires Mythic. Having a tag where only one item requires Mythic hasn't been seen before (likely not even possible with the current system). How would you propose displaying only one of the items as Mythic? I believe this will lead to confusion.
  12. bumpy


  13. bumpy

    happy birthday :)

    happy birthday :)
  14. bumpy

    happy birthday :)

    happy birthday :)
  15. bumpy

    I have a question about mobs

    they didn't look very hard :confused:
  16. bumpy

    I have a question about mobs

    Have a look inside of the iron bar in your hotbar while you're in dev mode. You'll find an item called "Game Values". Grab one and right-click it, you'll find several categories. I don't want to spoon-feed you the answer, so I'll hint you towards the location category (however, if you are stuck...
  17. bumpy

    happy birthday :)

    happy birthday :)
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