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  1. Max

    The 2.0 Challenge

    If I were to do this, I'd probably make some code that emulates 1.8 features (disables offhand + 1.8 pvp)
  2. Max

    frog bog?

    I literally just said if you had broken a rule, not for no reason. Read my reply please Edit: I also mean "in the past" as in within the month, or even week. If you show no effort to change, I'm assuming your the same. That is fair logic.
  3. Max

    frog bog?

    I talked to sluds about it earlier today, and we weren't on the same page. sluds acted on impulse on a minor detail, and not as a broken rule. However, I would encourage mods to ban you if you had broken a rule, because you have been on edge for a long time... thats how moderation works, thats...
  4. Max

    frog bog?

    context is everything. ryanroo had explained his exact thought process when choosing people for promotion in another thread. And besides, expert does not have enough power as a role to stay the entire staff promotion system in favor of a particular group. As I said previously, there are people...
  5. Max

    frog bog?

    And thats completely fair, though ryanroo has said in the past, and also very recently that the admins consider bias and nepotism when choosing jrhelpers. There are plenty of people frog has pushed for promotion in the past that don't even get accepted. Point is, we're all tired of the drama and...
  6. Max

    frog bog?

    I can tell you that the former members have had transgressions with the bog because of a past incident that caused a huge ban wave down to only a couple people. I don't wanna say publicly what the incident was, that's up to @duwusty to say, but I can guarantee you none of the frog bog members...
  7. Max

    frog bog?

    I wasn't there at the time, but I have been told not only by members of the bog but other moderators involved that it was borderline rule 1.3b infringement.
  8. Max

    frog bog?

    He was literally breaking a rule as they banned him... this wasn't a punishment for no reason...
  9. Max

    frog bog?

    The topic should not be what he should have done, everyone makes mistakes. The topic should be if the ban was justified, and I think it was, for the same reasons listed above. at the end of the day it doesn't matter how or why he was banned, but did he cross the line enough to warrant the ban...
  10. Max

    frog bog?

    Rule 0.3a Moderators reserve the right to punish any behavior that is harmful to the server and/or its community, even if it is not explicitly disallowed by these rules. Also, Yes, he had a reputation, but do you know what else he had? and extensive punishment history. I don't doubt that the...
  11. Max

    frog bog?

    I disagree.. Tib has had a reputation for toxicity and staying on the edge of the rules for a while now. I wasn't there when it happened, but I know that they were encouraging sluds do ban him because they were encouraging the moderator to moderate. it wasn't just "tib bad" it was a punishment...
  12. Max

    frog bog?

    Thus is incorrect. Yes I was denied, but I had applied again after Ryan had personally asked me to because he had noticed my community involvement. Frog did nothing but point out the things I was doing to better the server. which is a) not nepotism and b) LITERALLY HIS JOB.
  13. Max

    frog bog?

    I disagree. The bog is detached from diamondfire, it owes this community nothing. It's only said to be related to df because df players are in it, but that's because we're all friends from outside of diamondfire. The bog isn't on edge with the pc gaming community because all of us game on pc...
  14. Max

    frog bog?

    One thing I do want to add is that ryanroo said in the past that admins discuss applicants before they bring it up in expert-chat. ryanroo had noticed me helping in the queue before I had even applied for the rank, and I had large community involvement, and that's why he decided to promote me...
  15. Max

    Destroy a wish! 2020 edition

    granted. the bully is now a poltergeist and haunts you forever I wish for more Creator Points :(
  16. Max

    Destroy a wish! 2020 edition

    granted but it's your dad I wish my rtx 2070 would show up in the mail :(
  17. Max

    Destroy a wish! 2020 edition

    sorry, I can't grant that wish, it is impossible for you to be funny I wish I could play beat saber without my computer dying on the inside
  18. Max

    Destroy a wish! 2020 edition

    Granted. You now speak in swahili I wish for an rtx 3090 and a ryzen 9 5900X
  19. Max

    Poggers New Website

    New Website Is Poggers now gibe me Helper tag
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