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  1. Bromeo

    How do I place a block randomly on my plot but only on top of another block?

    I never thought about that 😳
  2. Bromeo

    How to remove lore

    Pretty sure you can GET all lore before, then remove the index you want to, then SET the lore on the item again
  3. Bromeo

    How do I place a block randomly on my plot but only on top of another block?

    Or alternatively keep repeating downwards until you reach something that isn’t air, then shift one back up and place it there
  4. Bromeo

    How do I place a block randomly on my plot but only on top of another block?

    You could check if the block *one block* below it is not air using if block =
  5. Bromeo

    Forums are better than (most) helpers

    1. alternate timeline softcode copypasta 2. true 3. there should be some kinda reward for answering support questions like whar the 😒😒😒😒
  6. Bromeo

    CanadiShroom as a cat maid?!?!

    they should keep it looks good
  7. Bromeo

    Forums are better than (most) helpers

    I already applied with a plot with legacy texts everywhere and useless code :elegant:
  8. Bromeo

    are the forums actually active

    I think there’s a few people that check it once every now and then when I’m bored I refresh it every few hours for the day
  9. Bromeo

    should we get custom commands

    This series of messages is giving me brain damage
  10. Bromeo

    Open a door for only one player?

    if I recall you can’t use client sided blocks with block data sadly. you could make a custom door using code tho
  11. Bromeo

    Forums are better than (most) helpers

    Msging people works pretty well, but even better is just giving up and coding something else instead.
  12. Bromeo

    What's your favorite plot and why?

    Resource packs are Overlord codeblocks found in Player Actions >> World Actions which require a link as a string There are tutorials on the Diamondfire discord that show you how to use one, and some on YouTube to show how to make one
  13. Bromeo

    How to run scripts like executables

    Cant wait to execute a shebang on IOS
  14. Bromeo

    My Appeal has been up for 4 days and it hasent been proccesed

    The appeals are VERY hidden for some reason. Go to forums and scroll down to “Contact Staff” and click Punishment Appeals. Fill out the appeal according to the format
  15. Bromeo

    What's your favorite plot and why?

    everybody knows that grid game 3 is the best df game it’s not even an opinion:cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious:
  16. Bromeo

    Jeremaster is planning to delete node 2 [#SAVENODE2]

    I loved it when wild said “It’s wildin’ time” and wilded all over the place
  17. Bromeo

    Jeremaster is planning to delete node 2 [#SAVENODE2]

    owner of some Minecraft server I think I don’t remember
  18. Bromeo

    Code block - Create Beacon

    hey just letting you know suggestions aren’t really read here a lot compared to diamondfire suggestions discord (I guess this is ur only option tho if you’re under the age minimum)
  19. Bromeo

    Jeremaster is planning to delete node 2 [#SAVENODE2]

    😡😡😡 jere master !,,, done did it this time
  20. Bromeo


    you were a cool dev goodbye !!!!!
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