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  1. Zeke6421

    DF Store

    I'm trying to purchase Overlord for my account, when I click "Pay $38.50 USD with PayPal" it opens another window that says "Processing..." and never does anything else. The window that I used to click Pay $38.50 USD with PayPal then crashes, and nothing seems to be doing anything. Am I doing...
  2. Zeke6421

    Plot Banning

    I have an idea to add a player action where you can ban people from plots. Sorta like this: Ban Number: Duration of ban (in days) String: Person to ban This would be good for a ban hammer, or automatic moderation.
  3. Zeke6421


  4. Zeke6421

    Banning Discussion

    Your welcome, and a HUGE thanks for clearing that up.
  5. Zeke6421

    Banning Discussion

    This is my first ever actual forum post, so please don't criticize it too much. Once when I was still learning how to play and/or use Diamond Fire, I was also into using mods and hacking. (can you see where this is going?) I started Minecraft with Impact and Baritone on, went into DF, and did...
  6. Zeke6421


    yea just realised that lol
  7. Zeke6421


    Hi, I recently got a massive plot but I didn't know that you needed a better rank than Noble, (I have Noble) and I cannot use the plot I bought. Can I get a refund or have I wasted money?
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