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  1. C

    Damage Indecators

    There is a rule on DF that tells players not to use X-ray. Probably for the reason that there are Hide-N-Seek plots, or plots that are supposed to hide something. But why are Damage Indicators allowed? What if you have made a plot PvP plot, in which if a player takes damage, their heath is set...
  2. C

    Diamond Fire RPG

    I was gliding around DF spawns and realized the amazing builders they have. I also then realized how talented the DF dev team is, and thought, what if DF devs and builders made a Diamond Fire RPG server? I see the potential of it being greater than Wynncraft. Unlike Wynncraft, it could have...
  3. C


    There is a /vote command that shows the plot owner your appreciation of their plot, but what about a /downvote command that does the complete opposite? You will be able to downvote a plot only once every hour. A downvote command does take away 1 vote from the plot, and can give a plot negative...
  4. C

    I need your help!

    Wdym? I did change. Also maybe you, Wabber brought it up once. But Noah keeps doing it like every time. How do you know I changed? Well I have never said an n word since then. But ofc Noah only records the bad stuff. + n word is not in fact filtered on df. That's why I asked. And when I rename...
  5. C

    I need your help!

    Wobber he lives in the past. What you don't want me to ask it? You want me to just say it? I only ask because I changed. But if you are telling me that I can just use it without asking, then I am just going to say that you told me to. I just wanted some help, cyberbullies. I don't see what are...
  6. C

    I need your help!

    Noah did I ask? You're like the person I like the least. You're like that nerd (no offence) who records everything that happens in their life. Get a life man, move on from the things that have already happened. You're like not helping at all. I am toxic, but sure ain't as toxic as you are
  7. C

    I need your help!

    So me and some random players can't decide which is a swear; "frick" or "freak"? I say that freak is not, but they say that it is, and that frick is not. (They also say that "suck" isn't a swear either)
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