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Thanks for 4 years.


Forum adept
Jul 14, 2021
Reaction score
Hello, certified bacon brother here.

I just want to quickly give my gratitude and say Thanks for 4 years of DiamondFire.

Back in July 12, 2019, I decided to join this server after watching a video from PhoenixSC covering this server and ever since it has been a wild ride. I remember my first game was an elytra course with a timer and you had to get to the end as fast as possible.

I can't get exact dates correctly but then I moved on to probably my oldest full game I had ever done: Custom Crafting PvP. The game felt like my first big hit and I kept at it for some time. Eventually, the plot was transferred over and remade into Pumpkin King by Tiberius. During the time of CCP, I had also worked on the first ever Battle Box Plot, where I had created only 1 map I changed variably and had multiple team colors for both sides. I also worked on an FPS game situated in a maze that I can't remember the name of exactly.

Eventually, all of these projects would soon die down and be cleared after some time. Although 1 project still sticks around today in the form of MCC Battle Box, probably my only namesake plot classified as a DF Classic.

After the success of MCC Battle Box, I started work on many prototype plots which included a PvP dueling system, another crafting system, a gun system, and much more.

Some games I also worked on were PvP Party, which was Block Party with traditional PvP elements. I had also completed* development of other MCC games like Sky Battle and Dodgebolt, and briefly was working on Parkour Warrior but kept delaying due to my lack in confidence in my building ability. I had pulled the massive Sky Battle Map from a failed project I participated in, which was MCC Reborn. I also participated in 3 Game Jams, 2 by myself and 1 that I composed music for. In fact, one of my solo plots still exists and I intend to work on it further... eventually. Aside from these projects, I also worked on a game in Washington D.C. where randomly generated pride flags were given names by the DF Community. Along with this, I also composed a number of songs for Engineers, which those songs still are my most popular videos on my channel as of the time of this message.

Other things I did included participation on DiamondFire Championships, participation in DF Elections, and at one point I also ran voting for DF Elections. On top of those things I also got the opportunity to participate in the showcase of the DF Halloween event a couple years ago.

Although 7 months ago, I made a horrible mistake and I held horrible views regarding transgender people and I was muted.

Now I look back with a new punishment on my hands and I see my actions were irrational.

I won't be asking for forgiveness but I just want to say that I no longer hold the views I did 7 months ago. I believe that everyone, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity, belongs and I regret my actions when I said they didn't. I feel it is more righteous to look at only the content of their character, not anything else which involves prejudice towards certain groups. I feel like I have been blinded by external forces into believing the opposite just because of a select few in said groups.

So much has changed in 4 years personally. I am now upcoming on my senior year of high school with some sizable responsibilities weighing on me. I also can't wait for what next year has to bring, for DF and for me.

Here's to hopefully more years in this community.

Side note, This was originally supposed to be a YouTube video on my channel, but I felt lazy and didn't do it, so after some time, I jotted down my thoughts on this forum.


Forum adept
Jul 24, 2022
Reaction score
honestly i can relate to some of this and i hate how i want to relate to it, but like thats dark! and deep man way to go... hope everything gets better!
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