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Sputt Time: The Necessary Evil

Good afternoon. There are those on DiamondFire from both sides on the matter of whether or not Sputt Time is bad. I, for one, think it's bad and don't understand people who play it. However, I will tell you why it's good that it exists. Sputt Time, though created to be a fun experience for hundreds of players, has become a pastime for many trolls. I mean, just look at the messages that some players send while on Sputt Time. I won't name names, of course.
However, it needs to exist. Look at the most severe of these trolls. How often do they leave Sputt Time? Not very often. I actually messaged to Sputt- and he said, to paraphrase, that Sputt Time was a good thing to keep trolls in. And you can see these psychological bits of Sputt Time that contribute to it being a troll heaven. The incremental points system, for example. You gain them so slowly, yet you lose them all and have to start over when you die. Yet, there's one place, one specific place where you can get more. The trolls love guarding that, and they love the feel of making somebody lose everything. Or what about the distinct power dynamic between a player at the end of upgrades and a new player? A new player is in no position to bargain with the veteran player, and the veteran will probably kill them for the miniscule amount of money just to make them lose everything. You find all of that on few other plots, which is why trolls play Sputt Time more than anything. Basically, all of that is why Sputt Time is a necessary evil. Perhaps, one day, somebody can make a plot that mimics the psychology that Sputt Time employs, and the server will be even safer due to the smaller amount of trolls outside Sputt Time and this hypothetical plot.
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Forum adept
Jul 14, 2021
Reaction score
Good afternoon. There are those on DiamondFire from both sides on the matter of whether or not Sputt Time is bad. I, for one, think it's bad and don't understand people who play it. However, I will tell you why it's good that it exists. Sputt Time, though created to be a fun experience for hundreds of players, has become a pastime for many trolls. I mean, just look at the messages that some players send while on Sputt Time. I won't name names, of course.
However, it needs to exist. Look at the most severe of these trolls. How often do they leave Sputt Time? Not very often. I actually messaged to Sputt- and he said, to paraphrase, that Sputt Time was a good thing to keep trolls in. And you can see these psychological bits of Sputt Time that contribute to it being a troll heaven. The incremental points system, for example. You gain them so slowly, yet you lose them all and have to start over when you die. Yet, there's one place, one specific place where you can get more. The trolls love guarding that, and they love the feel of making somebody lose everything. Or what about the distinct power dynamic between a player at the end of upgrades and a new player? A new player is in no position to bargain with the veteran player, and the veteran will probably kill them for the miniscule amount of money just to make them lose everything. You find all of that on few other plots, which is why trolls play Sputt Time more than anything. Basically, all of that is why Sputt Time is a necessary evil. Perhaps, one day, somebody can make a plot that mimics the psychology that Sputt Time employs, and the server will be even safer due to the smaller amount of trolls outside Sputt Time and this hypothetical plot.
Actually good points. Any plot with a progression / resource based gameplay will inevitably have trolls and the fact that most of them would flock to Sputt Time keeps the rest of the server safe. The human mind manipulates in long-form and drawn out gameplay to the point where seeing failure activates the brain in cruel ways. This is one of the reasons why shorter minigames will inherently have better player interactions, because the purposes of the players is achieving a short, temporary goal. Just think about Sputt Time as international squabbles and geopolitical conflicts, and shorter minigames as akin to the Olympics, where nations set aside grudges for a friendly competition.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2023
Reaction score
Actually good points. Any plot with a progression / resource based gameplay will inevitably have trolls and the fact that most of them would flock to Sputt Time keeps the rest of the server safe. The human mind manipulates in long-form and drawn out gameplay to the point where seeing failure activates the brain in cruel ways. This is one of the reasons why shorter minigames will inherently have better player interactions, because the purposes of the players is achieving a short, temporary goal. Just think about Sputt Time as international squabbles and geopolitical conflicts, and shorter minigames as akin to the Olympics, where nations set aside grudges for a friendly competition.
this is by far the best way i could've imagined someone trying to word how that plot is... kudos to you
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