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  1. superbaconbro

    superbaconbro's DiamondFire Side Chats #1 (Feedback)

    Thankfully, a thread where I don't apologize!!! superbaconbro's DiamondFire Side Chats will (probably) not develop into a whole thing given commitment to other things as of now, but these threads are a way to more sincerely talk to people regarding... anything (except for banned subjects i...
  2. superbaconbro

    Thanks for 4 years.

    Hello, certified bacon brother here. I just want to quickly give my gratitude and say Thanks for 4 years of DiamondFire. Back in July 12, 2019, I decided to join this server after watching a video from PhoenixSC covering this server and ever since it has been a wild ride. I remember my first...
  3. superbaconbro

    Setting the record straight.

    Hello, once again, to my needless ramblings. This is perhaps going to be my last message I'll probably send on these forums but I feel like it needs to be said so here goes. To those whose feelings I've hurt, I'm sorry. To those who find me irritating, I'm sorry. To everyone else, Thank you...
  4. superbaconbro

    DiamondFire related Hot Takes.

    Post your DF Hot Takes here if you want to and get heavily criticized for it.
  5. superbaconbro

    goodbye, diamondfire

    unfortunately i have been banned. thanks guys for making me feel like i was a part of this community. a poll will be up but it won't do anything. i encourage you to make your voices heard. i guess every good thing must come to an end. goodbye, diamondfire.
  6. superbaconbro

    Quick Channel Challenge!

    If you lot can get this Engineers video to 1,000 views (Engineers OST - The Hardware + Overload!) before this timer ends (inconspicuous timer.), I will create a remix of it. Also spread the word, I kinda want an excuse to remake a song I feel could be better. As it is now, It is currently at...
  7. superbaconbro

    Battle Box Game Changing Maps Update!

    Hello, DiamondFire! A new update to DiamondFire's Premier MCC Battle Box Plot has been rolled out, ready for the next stream! Returning Maps are, as always: Classic Towers - Dark Oak Training Zone - L'Manchitecture - A Nether Dimension - Competitive Stadium - Endolocation - DF Jam: Origins...
  8. superbaconbro

    what do i need to do to redeem myself?

    i don't feel forgiven and i really don't know what the problem is at hand. i apologized, i've changed, i even went to another state. what can i do besides leave?
  9. superbaconbro

    Quick Announcement regarding any of my upcoming games.

    Hello DF I have come to announce my intentions to not release Made 2 Order as a game until my unmute around Late May or Early June. I feel like this is the best idea for the time being, as the game won't immediately die from launch. This also has to do with the fact that I can't plot ad while...
  10. superbaconbro

    Made 2 Order Minecraft Gameplay Trailer Announcement.

    The upcoming video will show you gameplay footage of my newest game, "Made 2 Order" Image directly ripped from BEST Robotics Game Overview: In this game, you control a robot that must fill baskets with orders, using your trusty Squeaky bot and sheer mastery of the drive! Here are ways you can...
  11. superbaconbro

    controversial statements thread

    I personally don't know what the heck an "oatmeal" is, and therefore I have deep-seeded hatred towards this "oatmeal."
  12. superbaconbro

    Battle Box - Goat Horn Update.

    The Goat Horn Update is Here! Battle Box now has more new maps and items to kick the holidays off and keep the game fresh! Maps being used: Classic Towers Dark Oak Training Zone L'manchitecture (Winter Variant)* A Nether Dimension Competitive Stadium Endolocation DF Jam: Origins Birch Jungle...
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