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  1. pixlii

    Better Error Messages

    Okay, so you know how whenever there is an infinite loop/lagslayer, the plot will tell you with a particle over the code piece that broke? What if we had something similar for when, say, a SET VARIABLE didn't have enough arguments, or a PLAYER ACTION that needed a location was missing one. Just...
  2. pixlii

    Where can I get a list of every plot on DF?

    I feel like I've seen a post on how to do this before, but I'm not sure. Is there a command I could run or a url I could go to to get specifically the names of every plot on DF (and their owners)? i just want to ban every skyminer owner from my plots lol
  3. pixlii

    Plot Ad text showing up in the "Advertised Plots" section

    Essentially, this would simply display the text that the plot ad had when it was made in the plots lore when you looked at it in the Game Menu. For example, if someone were to make a plot and advertise it with some text such as "funny game", then when you looked at the plot inside of the Game...
  4. pixlii

    How can I apply for JrHelper?

    I've checked out the "Apply for Support" section here on the forums, but it didn't actually specify where I can submit my application. Where can I do this? Thanks to anyone who can help.
  5. pixlii

    Adding multiple codespaces at once

    Simple idea, but the idea is that you could do something like "/codespace add 64" and it would create 64 codespaces. Not a big change, but it bugs me a lot when I can't do something like this.
  6. pixlii

    is something wrong with the server?

    i have recently fallen victim to the "missing public profile key" message. i know how to fix it and i'm not worried about that, but i am worried about the fact that it's happening to so many people recently. i can't be the only one who thinks this is weird. anyone know why this is happening so...
  7. pixlii

    lotsa bots what the hell

    i have seen so many bots in the past few days (all of them are advertising towards adults and/or college students) and while they almost instantly get reported, it's still really nagging me how intense the concentration of bots is. are the admins planning to make some way to prevent bots from...
  8. pixlii

    How to tell if a block at a location is solid or not

    Very simple question and there's probably just some obscure code that I can't find, but how can I tell if a block at a location (or just a material) is solid or not? Trying to make a climbing system where you can only grab onto solid blocks, if that helps at all.
  9. pixlii

    How to hide the healthbar

    Title is pretty self-explanatory: how can I hide the main healthbar from view? I checked qxeii's plot on it, but setting the absorption to the highest accepted number (9,223,372,036,854,775,808) but it didn't work. any ideas?
  10. pixlii

    guys how should i make a climbing system

    okay so i'm making ▲ CELESTE and i need to make a climbing system similar to how it's done ingame. how do you (as the community) advise i do this? i've tried disabling gravity and detecting when they move forwards/backwards, but that seems extremely convoluted and i wanna try something different.
  11. pixlii

    Target Display Block Location (Game Value)

    I recently made a plot called clientside building, and you guessed it, you get to build with display blocks. one problem i ran into while coding it is that it's very hard to tell if a player is targeting a display block, and the location of said display block. i propose that a new game value be...
  12. pixlii

    Upgrading a rank during a sale

    I have Noble rank. I'm planning on upgrading to Overlord during the Black Friday Sale in a few weeks. The page for buying a rank says that I "only have to pay the difference". Will this mean I will pay $10 for Overlord ($25 for overlord - $15 for noble) or a different number?
  13. pixlii

    How to tell when a projectile lands

    Basically, I want a process to occur whenever a projectile lands on a player or hits a block. Is there any easy way to tell this? and i call myself an experienced coder lmao
  14. pixlii

    Plot ignoring for trending

    I've seen many plots on trending (which is where i normally search for plots to play) where i will never play a plot that is on trending and simply want to take it off of my trending page. this would just allow you to not show (ignore) a plot on trending and make room for a different plot on df.
  15. pixlii

    Player event teleportation

    I have a suggestion for something similar to the how call function teleporting works. basically, when you open a player event, there is also an option to right-click on a type of event in the menu and teleport to that events block, similar to how call function works sorry if i explained badly lol
  16. pixlii

    new to /importmap, need some help.

    so i'm trying to get a map thru /importmap with an image url, but i can't seem to make it work. when i run the command /importmap it returns a chat message saying "Unable to load image." can someone help me out here? i'm not sure how to make this...
  17. pixlii

    more text codes

    i have a few suggestions for % text codes: %length(string/list/number) - gets the length of whatever you input in. if you input a string, it'll output how many characters are in the string. list, it will output how many entries there are in the list, number, it will output how many digits there...
  18. pixlii

    set biome (fixed)

    how do i set the biome of a block on df? i have worldedit access but //setbiome doesn't seem to work. can someone help? i have noble if that makes it easier
  19. pixlii

    Simple /chat local fix (FIXED)

    just make it so that players that have chat set to local can see messages of people in dev mode and build mode. super simple, but it's helpful for game development with multiple people and games that are actively being developed.
  20. pixlii

    Can someone help me find this game?

    I forgot what it was called but it was very high-quality and I want to find it again, it was a pvp team shooter with the team "TERRORISTS" and the team "COUNTER-TERRORISTS". Terrorists would have to plant a bomb, counter-terrorists defuse it. please help
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