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frog bog?

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Retired Moderator
Sep 6, 2020
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Hi, so, I'm here to make some clarification.

It's become public opinion that being a member of frog bog (my private discord server) increases your chances of being accepted into the JrHelper position. This information has been spread since the promotion of my friend, Maximization.

I'd like to start by explaining what frog bog is. It's my private discord server for me and my close friends, which consists of a lot of DF staff members. It's no different than a private discord server that you might own or be a part of. It's disconnected with DiamondFire (we usually just hang out on ender's server or on Hypixel when we're on frog bog.) There are multiple members on the discord that have never even heard of DiamondFire.

Next, about JrHelper applications. You can apply for JrHelper, a position on this server where you voluntarily help players with their code. Two admins, MrAwesome0024 and ryanroo2, manage these promotions. I'd like to break down (to my best knowledge) what goes down during deciding new JrHelpers,
First, ryanroo2 and MrAwesome0024 look through each application and do their initial checks of the users. This could be noting any severe controversies they've had, large punishment histories, checking their coding knowledge, and making sure the plot the applicant applied with was made by the applicant. If these all get thumbs-ups, they move on to the second stage, where the expert team evaluates. The expert team is a group of support members who have shown dedication, maturity, and coding knowledge along with other factors. The experts look at the plots of the applicants and make coding judgments from there. They also determine if the applicant has been problematic and gives their own personal thumbs-up or thumbs-down. Eventually, it boils down to just a few people that will probably be promoted.

[Note that this is public knowledge, I'm not leaking anything new by saying this. See this post by ryanroo2 for his less in-depth explanation on JrHelper apps.]

That's not everything, of course, because I'm simplifying it and I don't know everything that the admins do. Here's the part where people think there's nepotism. People believe that members of frog bog, my personal, private discord server, have a higher chance of becoming staff simply because they're friends with me. Let's take the case of Maximization, one of my friends and now a Helper on DiamondFire. Max didn't have the greatest coding knowledge upon promotion, and when we discussed him in #expertchat, we agreed on that. He had enough, though, to allow him to be a good JrHelper. He had (and has) the dedication to learn and help learn along the way, and we noticed that. He was one of the best of the picks from that bunch (and there was a promotional video coming out soon after, so we needed more supports), and he was promoted because of that.

I've always made sure I was clear that I was biased when talking about my friends. I always clarify "I'm friends with x so I'm biased, but..." or "I'm a bit biased, but..." whenever speaking on my friends. I don't like that people are undermining the time spent by all of the experts and staff managers to promote good supports just by saying "frog bog member = support".

I've already privately discussed with MrA and ryanroo to clear everything up and make sure they know what's going on. I hope I cleared everything up for the community as well.

Anyway, that's all I have to say on the matter. If you have any questions, I'll try to respond in a timely manner.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
Sep 27, 2020
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boo you suck1!!

i have very important question!!!

when next weight lifting simulator??


Sep 6, 2020
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One thing I do want to add is that ryanroo said in the past that admins discuss applicants before they bring it up in expert-chat. ryanroo had noticed me helping in the queue before I had even applied for the rank, and I had large community involvement, and that's why he decided to promote me. And though my knowledge wasn't exceptional, I had been playing the server for 4 years at this point and I did have above average knowledge of the coding system at that point in time, so I don't believe it's that unfair that I had been picked for promotion. I also don't think it's that unfair of a statement to say that ryanroo had made a good choice in choosing the applicant with the most potential, as even ryan himself has stated in the past that I am good at what I do. I love this server, I truly do, and I would hate seeing my involvement in the community crippled purely because of who I'm friends with, especially since said friends have not explicitly done anything wrong. While I do think that the bog could be more open about what happens in there, I don't believe that were obligated to, especially since it shares little to no relation to diamondfire at all.


Forum adept
Sep 11, 2020
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One thing I do want to add is that ryanroo said in the past that admins discuss applicants before they bring it up in expert-chat. ryanroo had noticed me helping in the queue before I had even applied for the rank, and I had large community involvement, and that's why he decided to promote me. And though my knowledge wasn't exceptional, I had been playing the server for 4 years at this point and I did have above average knowledge of the coding system at that point in time, so I don't believe it's that unfair that I had been picked for promotion. I also don't think it's that unfair of a statement to say that ryanroo had made a good choice in choosing the applicant with the most potential, as even ryan himself has stated in the past that I am good at what I do. I love this server, I truly do, and I would hate seeing my involvement in the community crippled purely because of who I'm friends with, especially since said friends have not explicitly done anything wrong. While I do think that the bog could be more open about what happens in there, I don't believe that were obligated to, especially since it shares little to no relation to diamondfire at all.
People are literally complaining that there are a group of friends, and some happen want to help DiamondFire by becoming staff.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2020
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the whole "frog bog member = support" thing is not really true. but theres many other things that puts the frog bog on edge with the diamondfire community. there's alot of cleaning up to do.


Forum adept
Sep 9, 2020
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remove the diamondfire discord, forums, and chatting on the server itself
no discussion means no controversy over the frog bog, or anything for that matter


Forum adept
Sep 9, 2020
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remove the diamondfire discord, forums, and chatting on the server itself
no discussion means no controversy over the frog bog, or anything for that matter


Sep 6, 2020
Reaction score
the whole "frog bog member = support" thing is not really true. but theres many other things that puts the frog bog on edge with the diamondfire community. there's alot of cleaning up to do.
I disagree. The bog is detached from diamondfire, it owes this community nothing. It's only said to be related to df because df players are in it, but that's because we're all friends from outside of diamondfire. The bog isn't on edge with the pc gaming community because all of us game on pc. You can't really say that the bog is obligated to clean up when it's a completely different (and even yet private) entity.


Retired Moderator
Sep 6, 2020
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the whole "frog bog member = support" thing is not really true. but theres many other things that puts the frog bog on edge with the diamondfire community. there's alot of cleaning up to do.
What would we even have to clean up? It's a detached community, you should know that since you were a member. This is the only thing that has to do with DiamondFire and I've already done my cleaning here.


Notorious member
Sep 6, 2020
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Finally an explanation to all of these things that people say about frogbog.
I was very mad about how people underestimate the admins and their abilities to choose JrHs, so these "conspiracy theories" about how the admins are actually lizard people promoting frog bog members only, are finally cleared away and proven wrong.
apples :D


Forum adept
Sep 11, 2020
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Finally an explanation to all of these things that people say about frogbog.
I was very mad about how people underestimate the admins and their abilities to choose JrHs, so these "conspiracy theories" about how the admins are actually lizard people promoting frog bog members only, are finally cleared away and proven wrong.
apples :D
idk, Prince has a point. the bog is just a cover for the deep state smh my head


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2020
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What would we even have to clean up? It's a detached community, you should know that since you were a member. This is the only thing that has to do with DiamondFire and I've already done my cleaning here.
yes, i was a member. which is how i know that many people are made fun of behind their backs in there. theres also the fact that max's staff app was literally DENIED and then he was promoted days later anyway because you insisted he should be promoted. you also can't say its not related to DF when it's brought up in DF so much.
Screenshot 2020-12-08 at 9.31.48 AM.png
keep in mind this doesn't include ingame chat.

now I'm also going to pull the "i was a member" card again and say this.

tib's ban was pretty much because of the frog bog.

i was in the vc when it happened. you guys were talking about tib, and you all encouraged sluds to try and get him banned. he went ahead and banned him and you all cheered about getting him banned. this is what i mean. theres problems to solve. and i dont think you'll be able to lie your way out of all of them like you did with this.


Forum adept
Sep 7, 2020
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you also can't say its not related to DF when it's brought up in DF so much.
flawd logic

i know that many people are made fun of behind their backs in there

he was promoted days later anyway because you insisted he should be promoted

tib's ban was pretty much because of the frog bog.
i was in the call when they banned him as well, disagreed with all of their logic of 'It's Tiberius'


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2020
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wdym "problem?"

the frog bog is a place where alot of people are made fun of behind their backs. i know from experience. if you found out i had a server where we all made fun of you behind your back you'd be upset too, wouldn't you? i know i would, and so would many others


Forum adept
Sep 7, 2020
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if you found out i had a server where we all made fun of you behind your back you'd be upset too, wouldn't you?
no, because it's people on the internet, i know you would and why


Forum adept
Sep 6, 2020
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mate, he doesn't like people being jerks on the internet. grow up and realize that people can actually be nice
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