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  1. RolandMC123


  2. RolandMC123

    Why are people posting the same thread over and over?

    I've decided that I'm going to quit df, I'm really unhappy with the direction its taking. Never thought I'd be making this announcement and no this probably isn't forever, but I am not going to be playing on DiamondFire for a long time. DiamondFire has been a MASSIVE part of my life ever since I...
  3. RolandMC123


    damn bro you too? cant believe we are losing you
  4. RolandMC123

    Two Years of Inactivity on DiamondFire, and how it Changes a User

    yes you need to get on like SamMan_ or TheFoxPlush or Ottelino level
  5. RolandMC123

    💎diamond on fire🔥 (very official trailer)

    i really liked the part where
  6. RolandMC123

    Mental health plot: Looking for devs & builders

    This seems like a great idea! Indeed, mental health is an important topic, and I'm glad to see that you're so enthusiastic about helping others. I'm not that much of a builder, but I can help with developing the plot.
  7. RolandMC123


    I believe homchom is just on a break, not retired completely, but his in-game rank is Emiritus rn yeah
  8. RolandMC123

    The greatest wedding ever

    Hey guys I'm getting married to LooserRIP and BumpyBill (yes we are a thrupple). The wedding is going to be this Saturday, at 10AM GMT / 5AM EST / 8PM AEST on the Church of Jere. We had to choose this time because BumpyBill is Australian lmao. You can join the discord server here. ROLES...
  9. RolandMC123


    I mean as an admin/mod you're allowed to dislike people, you just shouldn't have a bias against them when dealing out punishments. Anyway, idk about most of the stuff in this thread so I'm just not gonna comment on it.
  10. RolandMC123

    Player Action: Display Score

    There is a Game Action for scoreboard manipulation, but no player-side scoreboards, which I think is being suggested here. It has been suggested a lot of times before and it will be added sometime in the future.
  11. RolandMC123

    Guys I wanna know all about punishment appeals.

    Hey, you can appeal for a punishment here. You will have to do this process if you want to get unbanned.
  12. RolandMC123

    Code Template Manipulation

    You can't get info from web requests, only send it
  13. RolandMC123

    Credits - Keep the tokens.

    You want there to be 2 currencies?? w h y
  14. RolandMC123

    why is DF coding just worse now

    why do all threads have to go offtopic like this. just stick to the original topic of the threadd
  15. RolandMC123

    why is DF coding just worse now

    So, you're saying DiamondFire is worse now because it has more features. Makes sense. Regarding your rant about checking if the player clicked an item in a menu: 1. The descriptions of the actions you tried *clearly* say what they do. Just look at the lore. The first if player you tried also...
  16. RolandMC123


    wait this is still going on? bruhhh
  17. RolandMC123

    I'm slightly confused about Tokens.

    Your old credits have automatically been converted to Tokens at a rate of 10k Credits = 1 Token, there's no need to do anything.
  18. RolandMC123

    I'm leaving DiamondFire..

    That's a shame, you made some really good games. I hope you return someday, good luck in anything else you're gonna do in the future. 😔
  19. RolandMC123

    How much effort needs to put in a DF plot for it to go viral?

    Probably no plot will be as popular as Infinite Dungeons / Deathrun, it would be very impressive if it did. These plots have existed for years, and have a lot of replayability, therefore they can still be played today. Not so much Infinite Dungeons, though, I think it broke or something...
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