
Creator Points Removal Test (Patch 5.3.5)

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Hello all!

Something we've been thinking about a lot is: is the creator points system good for DF? Way back when I added CP I was inspired by competitive online games and figured such a framework could be adapted to DF. As time has gone on though, it seems increasingly out of place in a creative and learning-focused environment. When you play a competitive online game, you expect competitive systems that compare you against other players. On a creative platform, you don’t expect that, and the existence of such a system honestly feels kind of forced.

I posed this question to many of you in the suggestions server, and the responses were overwhelmingly in favor of trying out the removal of the creator points system. As such, we will be disabling creator points for about 1 month, after which we'll either bring back CP or move on without it. During this time, you will not gain or lose any CP.

In place of creator points, we're looking to provide some more fun stats for you to...

Admin team change

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Hey everyone!

We are proud to announce the return of @MrMine05 to the DiamondFire Admin team! He will be working with @Numero on events. He's got some awesome plans, and we hope everyone gives him a warm welcome back!

For more information on DiamondFire events, stay tuned here on the forums and at our Discord server under the event announcements.

Dev Blog: Where we're at with world plots

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Hi all! As many of you know, we began testing world plots on Node Beta yesterday. Through this, we gained a lot of helpful user feedback, as well as important information on the server resource usage patterns of the world plots system.


World plots have been planned for a long time as a way to make the server capacity more scalable as our playerbase grows. The system would offer better plot isolation and stability, as described in our previous dev blog. Development of world plots officially started in early June, and the dev team (especially @Owen) has spent a great deal of time working on it. We wanted to get a test on Node Beta as soon as possible so we could get feedback and analyze usage under more realistic player counts and usage patterns.

What we found​

While the user feedback was helpful (many of you expressed concerns about build and code separation), another concern for us was the resource usage of the...

World Plot Testing & Feedback

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Please note, you must be an overlord in order to access Node Beta.

World plots require a large rework of the inner workings of DiamondFire, and we want to make sure that we rework it in a way that all of you enjoy. We will be collecting feedback in #world-plot-feedback, reading missing content/bugs in #beta-issues, and most importantly making them enjoyed by everyone!

Channels are located in DFS.

Getting Started

All of your beta plots have been migrated to world plots. You can play around with your plots and do whatever you want, we need to collect as much feedback as we can!


World plots are still in development, we cannot promise that your plots will be safe. If you have any important plots on node beta, we recommend you save the code into code templates and store them in your toolbars. It should also be noted that this is not the final implementation for anything, lots of things still need to be...

DiamondFire at Snap!con 2021

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Hi all! I had the opportunity to present DiamondFire at Snap!con 2021, a virtual conference for computer science educators and researchers hosted by the University of California at Berkeley. Here's the video that was included in the presentation:

[OUTDATED] Dev Blog: What's in store for the future?

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Please note that information shared in this blog is not final and may
change at any time!


Hi all! Today we're going to talk about a big update coming to DiamondFire that we're currently working on. We'll be looking at what's planned and what you should be aware of regarding this update.


Currently, your plot is stored on a single world on a node. If a server gets full because too many people are playing or building on, say, Node 1 plots, there is really nothing we can do because all the plots are stuck on the node they were created on. As DiamondFire continues to grow, we want to eliminate this restriction and allow your plot to be loaded onto any server. This will allow us to scale plots and overall make it much easier to expand without needing to create new "nodes".

For example, if...

Excellence in Diamondfire - Episode 4: Deathrun

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Hey everyone! It's been a minute since the last episode, but we are finally ready to release episode 4 of Excellence in Diamondfire. In this episode, we look into a Diamondfire classic: Deathrun by Wallygoozer. You can watch it here:

A Look Into the "Deleted" Game Jam

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Hey everyone!

The most recent Game Jam hosted by the events team started on March 12th and ended on March 19th. The special theme throughout the event was "Deleted". And with the theme being quite vast, this allowed game creators to cook up some really cool and unique ideas that were voted upon by the community.

Without further ado, here is an insiders look at the last game jam!

I interviewed some of the top winners of the Game Jam to give everyone a look into the behind the scenes of some of the games that were submitted in the game jam.

ID: 31483

Crumble took 1st place, and was released by @Jimmy_The_Knight.


Q) What was your Game Jam plot submission ("Crumble") about?

A) Crumble is a turn-based PvP game where the players'...

Website update!

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- Website update -
Hey everyone! We are excited to announce that the website has been updated to a new software patch, which introduces lots of new features to the community who use the forums! The new features are now being utilized to help make the website an even more awesome place for everyone here.

Some of the new patch features that affects the community:
  • Profile banners​
    • Attach a fancy image to your forum account. This is currently unlocked for everyone who has a forum account, and no restrictions were decided to put into place. Please be sure to follow the rules before setting a banner.​
  • New forum thread types
    • Some of our forum areas have been updated to use the new forum types!
    • A new forum area was created - Support, and you can mark other comments as an answer to help others out!
    • Our feedback forum was updated to...

Patch 5.3.1

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Hey everyone! Patch 5.3.1 has been released!

Here is a basic rundown:
  • A staggering number of bugfixes, ranging from crash exploits to weird infinitely-lingering gadget particles.
  • Plot names now support special characters from /chars pages 1-4. You may use up to 2 characters, or up to 6 if you have the Mythic rank.
  • Ender Dragons can now be spawned.
  • /locate messages are clickable again.
  • The actions and events related to block breaking, placement, and drops are now free for all players to use.
  • LagSlayer improvements (check DFS for more info) and around a 12% improvement to code execution.
Full list of changes:
  • Significant changes have been made to LagSlayer! You can read more about them at the DF Suggestions Discord
  • Code...

Admin team announcement

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We want to give @Numero a big welcome to the admin team! He has shown extreme dedication to the staff team for several years, and is a well known member of this community. He will be taking @Refriz's position as an Events Manager, and Refriz will be moving to a position of Community Manager! Community Manager will be a position that serves as a better connection between the staff team and the community. He will take your complaints and work to make the server a better place. The Community Manager will work with the admin areas to help improve each area. We are super excited to introduce this new role.

Original announcement from @ryanroo2

Plot corruption and compensation

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Hey everyone!

Unfortunately, there was an outage today that caused some users to have experienced some degree of loss due to corrupted chunks. The development team tried their best to recover any data, so we are giving compensation for those who lost anything.


Users who were affected by the outage and lost anything will be given:
  • 1x massive plot
  • 3x Booster that lasts for 3 hours

We sincerely apologize for this news, but we hope this will help brighten your day. If you were affected, please post down below or inform a developer and it will be investigated.

Thanks all!

Event Suggestions Discord server

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Events Discord

Event Suggestions Discord

Hey everyone!

If you'd like to give suggestions related to events, please do so here! We have created a Discord exclusive for event feedback.

Interested? You can click here to join!

Node 5

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Node 5 🌴

As you may have heard, Node 5 has been released, your local tropical paradise of minigame content creation - thanks to the amazing efforts of @Jeremaster, @Owen, and @Daedalus!

Every year, DiamondFire constantly expands in uniquely amazing ways. We got onto a great start this 2021 with CommandGeek uploading a video showcasing the network and the amazing things players can do with game creation tools at your disposal (which can be viewed here), so we needed some more breathing room. Give the development team a huge round of applause, and feel free to get on going with creating some amazing games at the new tropical node!

Huge thanks to the builders who helped create this tropical paradise lobby spawn:

Merry Christmas!

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Hi everyone,

On behalf of the admin and events team, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas! All of you are amazing, and this community continues to thrive and every year we are amazed by the creativity that you plot content creators bring. Stay safe, have fun, hang out with loved ones, and enjoy it while it lasts! 🎄

Best regards,
Administration & Events team

DiamondFire Championship

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UPDATED 12/14. Updates in italics.

The inaugural DiamondFire Championship will be a competition showcasing players' skills across a variety of games on DiamondFire. Players will compete in teams of 4 across 4 different events. The competition will take place on December 19th and December 20th, the weekend after DiamondFire's 6-year anniversary. Read below for additional information!

The event will be broadcast live on It will take place across two days, Saturday December 19th and Sunday December 20th. Each day will begin at 9:00AM PST and will run no later than 12:00PM PST (3 hours per day).

Players will compete in teams of 4. Signups will be accepted in the #championship-signups channel of the official DiamondFire Discord. Due to time considerations, only 8 teams will be allowed to compete in the event. The 18 teams that are currently signed up will be allowed to compete...

Disabling or deleting your account

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Hi all, there is now a more efficient way to disable or delete your account. We understand that user privacy and the data we collect is important, and giving the freedom for users to take action is important. If you ever need to find this guide, it will be attached to the pinned forum guide.

Before, there was no way to do this besides direct messaging an administrator, so I established an easier way: If you're hesitant about our Privacy policy or want to leave, you can click click: Account deletion. Your post is completely anonymous, and you do not need to fill out a reason; however, one is provided in case you want to explain. Please note that deleting your account cannot be reversed, so disabling it is the best bet if you're really unsure.

5.3 Patch Notes

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Welcome to the 5.3 patch notes! A shortened version of these patch notes can be found in game.

Major Additions/Changes

There are some major code-related additions this patch! They are listed here.


"Committing crimes with both direction and magnitude!"

Vectors are a new code value type. Vectors are composed of X, Y, and Z components, and they are generally used to represent motion.

  • Added the Vector value type
  • Added Set Variable actions for manipulating vectors
  • Added support for vectors in various code actions


DiamondFire Championship

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Hey players of DiamondFire!

@Jeremaster and I are working on a new event concept, unlike any other normal event - the DF Championship.

What is the DF Championship?
Glad you asked! The DF Championship consists of around five or six individual events. Each event takes place on a player's plot over DiamondFire. Additionally, events would be selected from popular plots at the time. We are thinking that there will be teams of 4, and each team will compete in each event together; this depends on the exact event. Every event will be around 1 hour or less, giving teams enough time to fight to take home the prize. Better yet, each event will be on the weekends, giving players with an inadequate schedule a solid chance to enter.

This is unlike anything we have done before, so we are wondering what you guys think about this idea. More information will be revealed soon, but we need to figure out if it is something that you all would find interesting.


Patch 5.2.4

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Patch 5.2.4 has been released! The server is now running on Minecraft 1.16.3, so all players will connect using the latest version of Minecraft. This update also fixes a bug where players wouldn't receive credits.

Here is a list of the changes:
  • Updated to 1.16.3! Players using the latest Minecraft version will now be able to join the server.
    • 1.16.3 contains no changes that affect DiamondFire, however.
  • Fixed credits not being given when playing games.
  • Fixed an issue with certain chat filters not applying to private messages.
  • Fixed an issue with Player and Entity Action: Set Invulnerability Ticks. This fix was released in a hotfix a few days ago, and not noted in any patch notes.
Update released by @Jeremaster, @K_Sasha, and @Daedalus. If you have any questions, let them know or reply here.

Enjoy the update!


Create your own minigames!

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